Saturday, July 30, 2011

Leisure July 29th

It was a day of travel but YES, it was for leisure. My family was with me but, it felt like alone time. I crave that!!! I watched a movie (91/2 weeks WOW) and had some snacks. Olives and cheese and hummus and crackers. Roasted red peppers and artichokes. All things my family doesn't like and a movie just for me. I am so looking forward to visiting with my family but also my alone time. Alone with my thoughts, the sound of the waves, the sun on my face. I'm sure I was European in a previous life. I take my leisure time seriously. I'm sure I will have many more moments to myself over the next two weeks but yesterday was a day of reflection for sure!We'll be heading out to our rental house soon so,I thought I would blog before we go. Will put up my pic for today later! 


  1. Haven't seen it in ages. When it came out, I was having 9 1/2 weeks....weird thought.

  2. What does that mean? or do I want to know???? Lol


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