Thursday, October 6, 2011


I know a few of you are wondering what the hec I'm talking about. My posts are all very vague. Talking about things but never really specifying what the "problem" is, or what my real concern is.  Trust me that it's frustrating for me too. Some things are private and I obviously can't put it all out there for everyone to  read. It does help me though to write it down. I really am using this blog as my journal.

With so many inspirational quotes going around yesterday (after Steve Jobs' passing) it really made me take notice. Which one was speaking to me? Which one was I supposed to hear at that time? Which one applied to me? I seem to be doing that a lot lately. Looking for answers. Signs that tell me which direction I'm supposed to be heading towards.

Today I'm going to try something different. Instead of looking outward, I'm going to look inward. I suck at meditation but I am going to give it a try again. I will be still and quiet with my own breathing. I will listen to my heart, I will listen for God, and I will try to be open to the answers I don't want to hear. I will LET GOd! Wish me luck.

I'm promising another lighter post after this one. Maybe another list???Your suggestions are most welcomed!

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