Saturday, October 8, 2011

a welcome change

Guess what? This is not going to be a depressing "whoa is me" post. I'm feeling great today. I'm not sure if it was the visit with my good friends yesterday that lifted my spirits?  Being able to vent and talk about things that I can't share with anyone else? Enjoying a day without kids? It was probably all of the above.
 LOVE these girls!!!!

 It could have been the shopping too! I bought my first pair of skinny jeans!!! yup! at 41! Eat that Suvi! LMAO!

 I also received some great messages this morning via twitter from a beautiful friend. That seemed to lift my heart even more. The sun is shining. I have plans to ride my Vinni (my scooter) with a friend this afternoon. I have good friends coming over tonight for drinks. Seriously!!!! It's gonna be such a good day! I haven't felt like this in a long time. I feel like things are falling into place. Things are as they should be. Everything will be alright!

I hope you are feeling the love today and have a great one as well!!!!

Turn your speaker UP!!!! Great song!!!!!!!


  1. I saw that building's sign today in East Vancouver. Everything is going to be alright. We all started singing! Glad you're on the the up. The skinnys look great!

  2. haha yup! that's where i took the pic! SPOKE to me! LOL!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Sorry the above had horrid mistakes. What I was trying to say is Relationships do really make or break a life, don't they? I am glad yours is being made:)


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