Friday, March 23, 2012

the right stuff at the right time

I'm reading. I've read the Hunger Games. The movie is out soon. My son has read all three books. I want to see the movie with him and so I read the book. I loved it. Another movie, coming out soon, is "Blue Like Jazz." The movie comes out April 13th, I believe. Recommended by a good friend, I sought it out. It was hard to find. My husband eventually found it for me. I can't say it was easy to start out. But I'm loving it so far. So many times I find myself talking to the author in the margins. I suppose that's a good thing. One paragraph in particular caught my attention.

     "Because I can't be here anymore.I don't feel whole here. I feel, well, partly whole. Incomplete. Tired. It has nothing to do with this (church); it's all me. Something got crossed in the wires, and I became the person I should be and not the person I am. It feels like I should go back and get the person I am and bring him here to the person I should be........"

I believe I have said something to that effect before. Almost word for word. I think perhaps if we all look deep, we've all felt that way at some point or another.

My vacation was just that. a vacation from all the thoughts, obligations, everything! Coming home, I tried to bask in the memories. The glow of how luxurious the time away was. The snow did not help. It slammed me right back to reality. As did the bickering of my children.

I continue to dream, unaware of where it will take me and what will come of it. If I don't have my dreams, what do I have?

1 comment:

  1. I read Blue Like Jazz when it first came out...still have a copy somewhere...It helped get me started on my drastically changed spiritual journey. I found it soothing when I read it. Glad you are finding some meaning in it:) Glad you are home safe and rested.


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