Monday, June 20, 2011

from bad to great

This day started out soooo bad. I hated the world this morning. Everything and everyone was annoying. I had to get off the social media FAST, before I typed something I would regret. I went back to bed so I could get up and start over. It worked.The day got progressively better. The sun was shining so I cut the grass. My husband booked us a trip to San Francisco to got see Ludovico Einaudi in concert there. And then to top the evening off, friends stopped by to deliver a gift they had purchased for us on their honeymoon. All in all it ended up being a good day!I'm going to bed happy. Tomorrow I'm taking my kids out of school. (Not like they're doing anything anyway)My husband is taking the oldest to Banff for some hiking and I am taking the other two shopping! You can't have a bad day shopping!!!! :) I'll be taking my camera to try and fill a few of the requirements I have laid out for myself this week.(see previous post) Feel free to join in if you like. I would love to see  your pictures. That's it for today. Short and sweet!


  1. What a great post! I enjoy this idea of a scavenger hunt too, looking forward to the pictures!

  2. Sounds like your day did indeed go from bad to great :) Enjoy your shopping trip today!


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