Sunday, June 26, 2011

Scavenger hunt Sunday



faceless portrait

leaf veins
Well here are my pics for this Sunday Scavenger hunt. They truly pale in comparison to others I have seen, but......I just thought I would try it. I am not a photographer, nor do I aspire to be. It was fun to try for the week. Hope you enjoy my interpretation of the suggested pics! :)
The rules are simple:  
  1. Anyone can participate. 
  2. You're encouraged to take five new photos this week for the challenge. 
  3. If you get stumped, you may use one photo from your archive (although I'm not too strict about it - I do my best to take fresh shots). 
  4. Link up here on Sunday (or Tuesday at the latest) - you can use the button above.  
  5. Leave comments for at least five entries around yours (we have so many new participants each week, this is the only way I know to be inclusive).
  6. Have fun        Here are the suggestions for next week:
    1. Pop of Color
    2. Crossing Thresholds (Exploring with a Camera theme - check out post here)
    3. X-Ray (Katie's suggestion - can definitely be done in post-processing)
    4. Toy (Katie's suggestion )
    5. Hidden or Farm (Katie's suggestion - since you may not have a farm, your choice)


  1. nice!! i'm doing one for the month of July to celebrate my birthday and a full month OFF work :) I especially like the paint one. Looks cool!

  2. Great shots. I had to laugh at the eye-lashes!!

  3. So glad you participated - there's something about your windows/doors shot that is really interesting. Great job!

  4. I really look forward to seeing that Sheila!!! I MAY participate now and again,Ashley! thanks! Tara and Susan: the lashes are from when I was in a play. It was a long week and after the final show for that week, I enjoyed a glass of wine.When I removed my fake lashes, that is where they stayed! lol Thanks for checking out my picks for Scavenger Hunt Sunday!

  5. I love the eyelash shot too, it took me a while to see them! eyes not working this morning. All your shots are great, it took me many weeks to feel confident of posting on this challenge. Hope to see you again and thanks for visiting me.

  6. So glad you did it. They are awesome!!

  7. Very funny eyelashes, it took me a while to find them.
    I love your paint shot

  8. Love the paint shot and of course, the lashes lol!


I truly appreciate your comments and look forward to reading them!