Thursday, July 7, 2011

Stupid computer!!!!!

So I committed to doing this photo challenge/hunt with my friend and then my computer dies. So I am a day behind. I'm getting caught up today and the funny thing is that July 7th is 'Technology"!!!! is my pic for July 6th......I read.

 Many friends have read this book with their book clubs and have suggested that I read it. I found out a while ago that it is coming out as a movie this summer. I decided then and there that I did not need to read the book because I could just see the movie.My friend Tracy recently told me that this was NOT an option for me! I needed to read the book. So she lent it to me and this is what I am reading right now. So far it is very good,which I expected. There are a bunch of us reading (or have already read it) who are going to see the movie in August. Let me know if you would like to join us.


Fitting that my computer died just before the 'technology' photo. This is now my new work space. Working on my daughter's computer at the kitchen table. BOOOOOO. A new computer is in the works but until then, this is my space! So there you go. My two photos for the day. Now I am caught up. Tomorrow's photo is friendship. hmmmmmmmm I have a few ideas!


  1. Nice, I love her computer bling:) How are you liking the book?

  2. LMAO! I missed that whole paragraph! YES I AM IN FOR THE MOVIE IN AUGUST!!! let there be no confusion...hahahaha! I was excited to see it was being made into a movie...


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